Tuesday 26 April 2016

My Journey of Hope: Day 18 of 28 - The Day Nothing Got Done

I seriously got nothing done today. Not at home.

I spent the first 15 minutes of the school day reading aloud with Quarta's Kindergarten class, touched base with Tertius briefly (who had spent much of the morning trying to convince me of how sick he was), and attended Secunda's Entrepreneur Fair, wherein she sold every last monster journal and monster pencil she had made, plus a handful of woven bracelets, PLUS 9 orders for more items!

I found out at the last minute that I wasn't working today, so thought that I had a little wiggle room in my schedule. In reality, there was enough time to run home, scramble to find the ball of yarn Secunda needed so I could deliver it before lunch, only to have my search interrupted by the school secretary calling to inform me that Tertius just wasn't going to make it through the day after all, and could I please come and pick him up? Okay; race to school with the wrong yarn, pick up the sickie - who seemed very bright and perky for someone who "just couldn't make it through the day" - race home, make lunch, and race to church to prep for my community outreach gig. I've brought Quarta with me before she was in Kindy, but Tertius had never been before, and was a hit with the other ladies present. I worked until the last minute, knowing that I'd likely have to store the supplies at home until Sunday, and race back to the school via the church, only to find a car in the parking lot, so I raced to get the stuff inside and put away properly. Continued my frantic trip to the school to pick up the girls, started the paper route, picked Primus up, followed by Hubby, then home to drop off backpacks, have Primus and Secunda pack for their weekend with BD, then finish up the paper route.

So, while the day was ridiculously busy, not a single bit of de-cluttering got done

Such is life sometimes.

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