Thursday, 27 June 2013

School's Out For Summer...

Today was the last day of school, and I have to admit to feeling a little...underwhelmed.

Maybe it's getting older, or the dreary weather that looks decidedly un-summery. Perhaps it's simply low blood sugar or not enough sleep, but the culmination of the school year felt kind of anti-climactic for me. A very definite part of it was reading the wrong time for Primus' awards assembly on the PAC Facebook page and, thinking I was getting there early, walking in to an assembly that was already underway. Thankfully, I didn't miss Primus' big moment - earning 'A' Honours - but the surprise I had arranged for him, that of having Hubby in attendance, fell flat when Hubby walked in to the gym just two minutes after he had been congratulated by the administration and had returned to his seat. Hubby looked livid, and I was just heartsick that he missed this public acknowledgement of his son's achievement. I felt bad for both of them.

After the assembly, I took Tertius and Quarta to the produce market for what I like to call "Bickering Over the Basket". This is a fun little game, wherein one will race the other to get to the nifty shopping baskets that have the long handle and wheels, designed so that your preschoolers can run around the displays all demolition-derby style,sending random grapes flying out of it, terrifying little old ladies and causing employees to grasp wildly for hurtling turnips as they careen past at breakneck speed. Of course, this is all done with the other sibling giving chase with screams of, "It's MY turn to pull the basket!" or "Give that back - you're a bad girl!" and one defeated, harried mother quietly mumbling, "Would the two of you please be respectful to each other?"

Yeah, that's us.

Once we were done there, it was home for an early lunch, then World War III when I told them to pause their movie after only 40 minutes (what am I, the Anti-Christ? Sheesh.) to go and pick up their older siblings from the penitentiary Place of Higher Learning for the last time until September. There was much staunch refusal and gnashing of teeth, but I was firm in my resolve and was eventually victorious. The 20 minutes they had in the playground was clearly not enough, because they were refusing to leave there, too.

In retrospect, I think I've figured out why today's school wrap-up seemed like a let-down; when you function on a day-to-day basis at such a high level of tension , anything not stressful seems...alien. Makes me wonder how the rest of the summer is going to feel.

Anyone want to take bets on how many days in before I'm counting down to September?

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