Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Picture Day?

So, Hubby and I are relaxing in the living room, watching Lost on Netflix and trying not to melt after a long and enjoyable Canada Day celebration.  Tertius and Quarta have been having trouble settling down to sleep lately, and Tertius came upstairs from his sleepover with Primus to stick his patriotically painted fingernails in my face and declare,

"Can you get the nail polish remover? Because this *brandishing nails at me* will not look good for picture day."

Having not quite heard him, I asked him to repeat himself, which he did. Then it clicked for us; he was thinking about school! I assured him that tomorrow was not picture day, promised that I would remove the polish in the morning, and sent him back to bed. In talking about it, Hubby and I surmise that he was having a dream about school, woke up, and came directly upstairs to talk to us about it.

Cute kid I got there...

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