Monday, 29 July 2013

Chirping Crickets

It's amazing to me how many things fall by the wayside when one is planning a vacation.

Now, I've been doing laundry like a maniac, the kitchen has not been this clean in quite some time (thanks largely to my mother-in-love for helping to maintain that yesterday), and the bags are almost completely packed in anticipation of our departure tomorrow morning. But in the whirlwind of planning, booking hotels, sorting out itineraries and packing, this blog kind of got lost in the shuffle. And what is the purpose of this blog, if not to chronicle some of these happenings?

So, dear readers, I will endeavor to give you a travel diary whilst we are on vacation. Thanks to the magic of technology (and free wi-fi), I should be able to post something on each of the four days of our vacation. Stay tuned for the riveting adventures of Busy Little Bee!!!!

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